Crew Info


Invite-OnlyPoints: 7274

the escape

Created: July 07, 2024

Crew Members 2 / 8

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6 members: 2400 crew points

8 members: 6900 crew points

10 members: 14100 crew points

12 members: 24600 crew points

14 members: 39000 crew points

16 members: 57900 crew points

18 members: 81900 crew points

20 members: 111600 crew points

Name Points Status
GEROGERO 3309 Crew Leader
GXGGXG 3965 Crew Member
Crew Activity
GERO GERO finished 1st (+34) with a time of 5:14.779 on Midtown Heist Escape driving the NISSAN-GT-R SPECV R35 [TE]
GXG GXG finished 1st (+11) with a time of 1:11.204 on Old Quarter driving the NISSAN GT-R (R35) JUNKMAN EDITION
GXG GXG finished 2nd (+124) with a time of 16:44.020 on Federal Heist Escape [S] driving the NISSAN-GT-R SPECV R35 [TE]
GXG GXG finished 2nd (+124) with a time of 15:49.116 on Federal Heist Escape [S] driving the NISSAN-GT-R SPECV R35 [TE]
GXG GXG finished 1st (+142) with a time of 18:28.301 on Federal Heist Escape [S] driving the NISSAN-GT-R SPECV R35 [TE]
GXG GXG finished 2nd (+124) with a time of 14:31.929 on World Loop driving the NISSAN-GT-R SPECV R35 [TE]
GXG GXG finished 1st (+5) with a time of 2:33.679 on Rush Hour [S] driving the NISSAN-GT-R SPECV R35 [TE]
GERO GERO finished 1st (+68) with a time of 5:24.669 on Rockport World Loop driving the CHEVROLET CORVETTE C6 '04 "WEBSTER"
GERO GERO finished 1st (+142) with a time of 14:37.601 on World Loop driving the CHEVROLET HENNESSEY EXORCIST
GXG GXG finished 1st (+20) with a time of 2:05.595 on Heritage and Diamond [S] driving the CHEVROLET CORVETTE C6. R
GXG GXG finished 1st (+20) with a time of 2:07.828 on Heritage and Diamond [S] driving the CHEVROLET-CORVETTE ZR1
GXG GXG finished 1st (+34) with a time of 5:46.521 on Midtown Heist Escape driving the NISSAN-GT-R SPECV R35 [TE]
GXG GXG finished 1st (+14) with a time of 1:39.137 on Mason Street driving the CHEVROLET CORVETTE C6. R
GXG GXG finished 1st (+142) with a time of 14:03.142 on World Loop driving the CHEVROLET CORVETTE C6. R
GXG GXG finished 2nd (+124) with a time of 17:07.222 on Federal Heist Escape [S] driving the NISSAN-GT-R SPECV R35 [TE]
GXG GXG finished 1st (+34) with a time of 5:48.146 on Most Wanted driving the NISSAN-GT-R SPECV R35 [TE]
GXG GXG finished 1st (+23) with a time of 2:58.764 on All In driving the NISSAN-GT-R SPECV R35 [TE]
GXG GXG finished 1st (+16) with a time of 1:32.564 on Lyons and Hwy 201 driving the CHEVROLET CORVETTE C6. R
GXG GXG finished 1st (+14) with a time of 1:23.530 on Rosewood Park Loop [S] driving the CHEVROLET CORVETTE C6. R
GXG GXG finished 1st (+34) with a time of 5:19.436 on Midtown Heist Escape driving the NISSAN-GT-R SPECV R35 [TE]
GXG GXG finished 1st (+68) with a time of 5:17.326 on Rockport World Loop driving the CHEVROLET CORVETTE C6 '04 "WEBSTER"
GXG GXG finished 1st (+68) with a time of 5:24.938 on Rockport World Loop driving the CHEVROLET CORVETTE C6. R
GXG GXG finished 1st (+68) with a time of 5:26.364 on Rockport World Loop driving the BMW-M3 GTR ALMS
GXG GXG finished 1st (+68) with a time of 5:30.584 on Rockport World Loop driving the MERCEDES-AMG GT BLACK SERIES
GXG GXG finished 1st (+68) with a time of 5:45.669 on Rockport World Loop driving the MERCEDES-AMG GT BLACK SERIES
GXG GXG finished 1st (+23) with a time of 3:15.305 on All In driving the NISSAN-GT-R SPECV R35 [TE]
GXG GXG finished 1st (+27) with a time of 3:51.623 on Outlaws driving the NISSAN-GT-R SPECV R35 [TE]
GXG GXG finished 1st (+29) with a time of 4:43.438 on Crossover Heist Escape driving the NISSAN-GT-R SPECV R35 [TE]
GXG GXG finished 1st (+31) with a time of 4:07.972 on Home Run driving the NISSAN-GT-R SPECV R35 [TE]
GXG GXG finished 1st (+68) with a time of 5:19.434 on Rockport World Loop driving the NISSAN-GT-R SPECV R35 [TE]
GERO GERO finished 1st (+9) with a time of 1:00.665 on Construction Route driving the LAMBORGHINI-MURCIELAGO LP 640
GERO GERO finished 1st (+68) with a time of 5:34.980 on Rockport World Loop driving the BMW M3 GTR ALMS "RAZOR"
GERO GERO finished 1st (+68) with a time of 5:28.258 on Rockport World Loop driving the LAMBORGHINI-MURCIELAGO LP 670-4 SUPERVELOCE
GERO GERO finished 1st (+142) with a time of 21:10.820 on Federal Heist Escape [S] driving the NISSAN-GT-R SPECV R35 [TE]
GERO GERO finished 1st (+74) with a time of 8:41.495 on Palmont World Loop driving the NISSAN-GT-R SPECV R35 [TE]
GERO GERO finished 1st (+142) with a time of 16:03.193 on Federal Heist Escape [S] driving the NISSAN-GT-R SPECV R35 [TE]
GERO GERO finished 1st (+68) with a time of 5:54.840 on Rockport World Loop driving the NISSAN-GT-R SPECV R35 [TE]
GERO GERO finished 1st (+68) with a time of 5:15.808 on Rockport World Loop driving the BMW M3 GTR ALMS "RAZOR"
GERO GERO finished 1st (+68) with a time of 5:58.038 on Rockport World Loop driving the TOYOTA-SUPRA
GERO GERO finished 1st (+68) with a time of 5:22.963 on Rockport World Loop driving the FORD MUSTANG GT '05 "RAZOR"
GERO GERO finished 1st (+68) with a time of 5:33.215 on Rockport World Loop driving the NISSAN-GT-R SPECV R35 [TE]
GERO GERO finished 1st (+68) with a time of 5:13.899 on Rockport World Loop driving the FERRARI ENZO
GERO GERO finished 1st (+68) with a time of 5:26.575 on Rockport World Loop driving the CHEVROLET CORVETTE C6 '04 "WEBSTER"
GERO GERO finished 1st (+68) with a time of 5:30.814 on Rockport World Loop driving the CHEVROLET HENNESSEY EXORCIST
GERO GERO finished 1st (+68) with a time of 5:25.254 on Rockport World Loop driving the NISSAN-GT-R SPECV R35 [TE]
GERO GERO finished 1st (+68) with a time of 5:23.154 on Rockport World Loop driving the NISSAN-GT-R SPECV R35 [TE]
GERO GERO finished 1st (+142) with a time of 13:51.321 on World Loop driving the NISSAN-GT-R SPECV R35 [TE]
GERO GERO finished 1st (+142) with a time of 13:54.561 on World Loop driving the NISSAN-GT-R SPECV R35 [TE]
GERO GERO finished 1st (+142) with a time of 18:45.484 on Federal Heist Escape [S] driving the NISSAN-GT-R SPECV R35 [TE]
GERO GERO finished 1st (+142) with a time of 13:46.554 on World Loop driving the NISSAN-GT-R SPECV R35 [TE]