Crew Info

angel caido [darc]

Invite-OnlyPoints: 885

seguir avanzando sin rendirse

Created: July 03, 2024

Crew Members 1 / 4

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6 members: 2400 crew points

8 members: 6900 crew points

10 members: 14100 crew points

12 members: 24600 crew points

14 members: 39000 crew points

16 members: 57900 crew points

18 members: 81900 crew points

20 members: 111600 crew points

Name Points Status
AngelaAngela 885 Crew Leader
Crew Activity
Angela Angela finished 1st (+4) with a time of 0:31.259 on Blacklist 8 driving the DODGE-CHALLENGER RT
Angela Angela finished 1st (+2) with a time of 0:12.929 on Tram Underpass driving the AUDI RS6 C6 "10K PLAYERS"
Angela Angela finished 1st (+142) with a time of 14:21.603 on World Loop driving the AUDI RS6 C6 "10K PLAYERS"
Angela Angela finished 1st (+142) with a time of 14:23.845 on World Loop driving the AUDI RS6 C6 "10K PLAYERS"
Angela Angela finished 1st (+142) with a time of 14:29.054 on World Loop driving the AUDI RS6 C6 "10K PLAYERS"
Angela Angela finished 2nd (+124) with a time of 14:30.756 on World Loop driving the AUDI RS6 C6 "10K PLAYERS"
Angela Angela finished 3rd (+51) with a time of 5:30.190 on Rockport World Loop driving the AUDI RS6 C6 "10K PLAYERS"
Angela Angela finished 2nd (+4) with a time of 6:45.859 on Riverside driving the AUDI RS6 C6 "10K PLAYERS"
Angela Angela finished 1st (+27) with a time of 3:46.166 on Outlaws driving the NISSAN-NISMO R34GT-R Z-TUNE
Angela Angela finished 1st (+38) with a time of 5:12.196 on Compromised driving the NISSAN-NISMO R34GT-R Z-TUNE
Angela Angela finished 1st (+16) with a time of 1:38.644 on Stadium and Hwy 99 [S] driving the NISSAN-NISMO R34GT-R Z-TUNE
Angela Angela finished 1st (+34) with a time of 5:11.963 on Most Wanted driving the NISSAN-NISMO R34GT-R Z-TUNE
Angela Angela finished 1st (+29) with a time of 4:39.115 on Crossover Heist Escape driving the NISSAN-NISMO R34GT-R Z-TUNE
Angela Angela finished 1st (+31) with a time of 4:27.491 on Home Run driving the NISSAN-NISMO R34GT-R Z-TUNE
Angela Angela finished 1st (+38) with a time of 5:18.241 on Compromised driving the NISSAN-NISMO R34GT-R Z-TUNE
Angela Angela finished 1st (+33) with a time of 4:43.169 on Late Departure driving the NISSAN-NISMO R34GT-R Z-TUNE
Angela Angela finished 1st (+23) with a time of 2:57.337 on All In driving the NISSAN-NISMO R34GT-R Z-TUNE
Angela Angela finished 1st (+5) with a time of 3:15.504 on Rush Hour [S] driving the NISSAN-NISMO R34GT-R Z-TUNE